Scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, pause, scroll, scroll, pause, pause, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll.
Twitter users are bombarded with tweets. Some accounts tweet multiple times a day, and when someone is following 100+ people, their feed is filled to the brim with tweets of all shapes and sizes. They only really pay attention to a select few. You have to somehow get attention to your tweets amidst the mass of other ones.
To make sure your tweets are noticed, you can do one of two things – you can start tweeting nonstop, or you can get more real Twitter followers.
Tweeting nonstop works against you – when a person starts seeing the same name over and over again in his feed, he starts paying less and less attention to each individual tweet. On the other hand, if you only tweet occasionally, he’s going to notice – a smaller quantity usually indicates a higher quality. People also get annoyed at spammers – tweeting nonstop might cause you to lose followers. Not good – you need real Twitter followers to increase the amount of people who see what you put out.
The percentage of followers who read your tweets (instead of scrolling past) will remain the same, but since you have more followers, more people will see each one.
Who are “real” Twitter followers?
Simply put, real followers are real people who really use Twitter on a daily basis. They tweet, they share, and they reply to others. These are the types of people that you need following you.
Real Twitter followers won’t drop off over time. As in, once you buy them from us, they’re there to stay. The only exception to this is if you buy real Twitter followers and then start spamming unnecessarily – just don’t spam and we guarantee that they’ll continue following you.
They’ll continue to follow you, and they’ll become a solid base for you to promote to. Just don’t tweet too frequently, keep it within 140 characters, and you can advertise and talk to these people as much as you’d like. And they’ll listen, because they’re real people and not fake accounts.
Potential problems with fake followers
Fake followers have their uses, but if you’re looking to actually operate a Twitter account and not just have it be for show, then you want real ones.
Here’s why: people on Twitter aren’t stupid – they know the difference between an account with real followers and fake followers. If you’re just displaying the number somewhere, then fake followers are fine. But if you want to make a dent in the Twitter ecosystem, having exclusively real followers is essential.
Have you ever stumbled upon a Twitter page with an obscene amount of followers, but very little interaction on any of the tweets? That’s the sign of someone who bought fake Twitter followers. Again, this is fine if you’re just displaying the follower count somewhere, but people who are actually on Twitter will be turned off by it. You need real followers who will be favoriting, retweeting, and sharing your tweets.
A calculated, controlled approach
We understand that you don’t want to broadcast the fact that you’re purchasing your followers, even if they are real. To accommodate this concern, we space out the delivery of them to flawlessly mimic natural growth.
Others will send hundreds (or even thousands) of followers to you in a short span of time – this makes it clear that you purchased your followers. With us, no one will ever know that you bought them unless you let them in on the secret.
● The more popular a Twitter account is, the less resistance people have towards following it. Think about how many people impulsively follow someone Katy Perry – these same people wouldn’t follow a less popular celebrity without thinking about it first.
● With more followers, your content is seen as better than your competitors who all have fewer followers than you.
● Of course, having more followers means that everything you put out will get more eyeballs on it.
● The number of people retweeting your content will grow linearly, leaving you with an extended network of people seeing your content who aren’t even following you directly.
We don’t have to explain it too much – it’s pretty clear that operating a Twitter account with a lot of followers is superior to operating a dead one.
Scroll up and select a package depending on how big you want to get. Tweeting to hundreds (or even thousands) of people is a whole new ball game.
Pick the service you would like, provide the link to the social media website, page, or post you would like services for, and hit submit. It's that easy.
You can order precisely the amount of followers, likes or shares you likes, instead of choosing our preset packages. You will only pay for what you order and save money for future campaigns.
In lieu of choosing our preset packages, you can order the exact number of followers, likes, or shares you desire. This will give you more control over the campaign, and will save you money in the long run.
We offer the choice of placing smaller orders through our panel if our larger packages do not suit your project. Place your order now and let us do our magic.
With our panel, you can submit a large number of orders with ease. We have simplified the dashboard to only take three steps: Select → Input → Submit.
Contacting our live support team or submitting a ticket is an easy and fast way to receive reliable support. Your questions will be answered swiftly at all times.
We begin setting up your order, right after it has been placed. The setup period takes no longer than 48 hours, after which the delivery of the service will begin. If you would like us to follow a specific delivery schedule, simply get in touch with us after ordering.
We have listed the delivery time for each package right under the price.
The followers we provide come from genuinely real users, so they will remain stable over time.
Please contact us with details of the order you would like to place, and we will be able to provide you with a great deal.
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