100% Engagement Increase
Worldwide Fans
Stable Likes
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100% Engagement Increase
Worldwide Fans
Stable Likes
Fast Delivery
100% Engagement Increase
Worldwide Fans
Stable Likes
Fast Delivery
100% Engagement Increase
Worldwide Fans
Stable Likes
Fast Delivery
100% Engagement Increase
Worldwide Fans
Stable Likes
Fast Delivery
Buy Facebook Post Likes

The key to maintaining a strong Facebook account is constantly putting out posts. By doing this, you’re constantly in the eye of your followers, and they’re more likely to pay attention to what you say.
Then again, there are certain posts that you care about your followers seeing more than others. For example, you might post a funny picture one day, and then you might announce a new product the next.
The best way to ensure that your important post is getting the attention it deserves?
You get likes on that particular post.
All of your posts will average out to a certain amount of likes. If we take a look at a page like Optimum Nutrition, one of the world’s largest supplement companies, they get an average of around 150 likes per post.
However, on the posts that they actually care about – new products, winning an award, etc. – they have substantially more than 150 – some as high as 700 or 800.
A company of that magnitude is able to promote individual posts through different channels aside from Facebook, but for you, the small business or website owner, it’s best to promote yourself directly within Facebook by buying Facebook post likes.
Likes make us stop and read.
The best fans that you have are the ones who like you on Facebook. They love you enough to the point where they publicly tell everybody that they love you, and they agree to receive updates from you on a daily basis.
You want those fans to be paying attention to your “big” post, like a product launch.
The way Facebook works is more likes = more attention to that post. Imagine one of your friends posted a YouTube video. Would you be more likely to watch it if it had 0 likes, or if it had 20 likes?
Likes also increase your natural reach.
At the dismay of page owners, Facebook has decreased the percentage of followers who will see your updates unless you “promote” your post. That is, unless you can show Facebook that your posts are popular.
Facebook naturally promotes posts that get a lot of interaction. This is what we want, because paying for each post to be seen isn’t realistic unless you’re a big brand.
Your natural reach right now might be under 1% if you don’t get any interaction, but if you buy Facebook likes and shares for your posts, then that can go into the double digits and beyond. You need to show Facebook that what you’re putting out is worth naturally promoting, and our likes and shares help you do just that. Yes, it’s that easy.

The thinking behind buying Facebook post likes.
Your fans are scrolling through a bunch of different posts from their friends and the other pages that they like – you need to make them stop dead in their tracks and pay attention to you.
Likes do this. They pay attention. They interact. They click, and they might even buy.
When coupled with shares, you show Facebook that your posts are interesting. Your natural reach will gradually begin to grow so that you don’t have to pay to promote your posts. If you don’t take action on making it look like you have interaction, then your posts will continue to be shown to almost nobody.
Go to your Facebook page right now and see what the average number of likes you get per post is. That number is probably pretty low. Our Facebook post likes (scroll up to purchase) and our Facebook post shares (click here to purchase) will turn your numbers upside down.
The result of this will be Facebook naturally showing your each of your posts to more subscribers. And those who do see it will be more interested in what it is. Facebook can be a tricky game, but it doesn’t have to be – order from us now to see the difference.
Supreme Media Platform

Simple and User-Friendly Interface
Pick the service you would like, provide the link to the social media website, page, or post you would like services for, and hit submit. It's that easy.

Spend Less! Order What You Need
You can order precisely the amount of followers, likes or shares you likes, instead of choosing our preset packages. You will only pay for what you order and save money for future campaigns.

Quick Delivery Needed? No Problem!
In lieu of choosing our preset packages, you can order the exact number of followers, likes, or shares you desire. This will give you more control over the campaign, and will save you money in the long run.

Looking For Smaller Packages? Check our Panel!
We offer the choice of placing smaller orders through our panel if our larger packages do not suit your project. Place your order now and let us do our magic.

Excellent for Power-Users
With our panel, you can submit a large number of orders with ease. We have simplified the dashboard to only take three steps: Select → Input → Submit.

Access to Quick & Helpful Support
Contacting our live support team or submitting a ticket is an easy and fast way to receive reliable support. Your questions will be answered swiftly at all times.
We begin setting up your order, right after it has been placed. The setup period takes no longer than 48 hours, after which the delivery of the service will begin. If you would like us to follow a specific delivery schedule, simply get in touch with us after ordering.
We have listed the delivery time for each package right under the price.
The likes we provide come from genuinely real users, so they will remain stable over time.
Please contact us with details of the order you would like to place, and we will be able to provide you with a great deal.